Links for the Diamond Way Buddhist Network
HH The 16th Karmapa (1924-1981)

HH.17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje. Over 800 Buddhist centres and monasteries located in 51 countries follow the authentically recognised Spiritual head of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. HH the 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje was born in Tibet on May 6th 1983 and in 1994, he and his family escaped Tibet, travelling to Nepal and then on to India. In March that year the young Karmapa arrived in New Delhi where he was greeted by a welcoming ceremony. Shamar Rinpoche, second to the Karmapa in the Karma Kagyu Lineage, and in accordance with Kagyu tradition, officially recognized him as the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa. The Karmapa was given the name of Trinley which means "Buddha activity", Thaye meaning "limitless" and Dorje which means "unchanging". For more information and a list of the Karmapa's activities, please visit his website www.karmapa.org
Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche is an emanation of Buddha Amithaba and second to HH the 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje in the spiritual hierarchy of the Karma Kagyu School of Tibetan Buddhism. The 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche was born in Derge, Tibet in 1952 and was recognised as the Shamarpa when he was 6 years old. He left Tibet three years later with the 16th Karmapa and travelled to Sikkim in India. He lived and studied under the 16th Karmapa in Rumtek monastery and received the entire Karma Kagyu teachings and transmissions. Known as the "Red Hat Karmapas" the Sharmapas and Karmapas continuously alternate as teacher and student throughout the centuries with their minds being considered inseparable. In June 2014 Shamar Rinpoche passed away on the auspicious Saga Dawa day. His reincarnation is eagerly awaited by many grateful and dedicated followers. More information and teachings from the Sharmapa can be found on his website.
Lama Ole Nydahl is a fully qualified lama and meditation teacher in the Karma Kagyu Buddhist tradition. Lama Ole Nydahl has been recognized as a Buddhist master or "Lama" by Shamar Rinpoche, the second highest ranking lama in the Karma Kagyu lineage. Ole Nydahl was born in March 1941 in Copenhagen, where he grew up, later studying Philosophy, English and German at the University of Copenhagen. In 1968 Ole Nydahl and his wife Hannah first encountered Buddhism when they went to Nepal on honeymoon. Here they met Lopön Tsechu Rinpoche, one of the greatest Buddhist teachers in the Himalayan region. They studied under Lopön Tsechu until 1969 when he took them to the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa to learn directly from the great master.
After three years of Buddhist teachings and intensive meditation training with the Karmapa, they were requested to take the teachings to the West. Since then Lama Ole Nydahl is still one of the main driving forces in bringing Buddhism to the Western world. To date, he has established over 655 Diamond Way Buddhist centres in 44 countries. Although now over 72 years old, Ole Nydahl's energy is tireless and he is still constantly travelling around the world bringing authentic Diamond Way Tibetan Buddhism to thousands of people. For more information about Lama Ole Nydahl, please visit his website www.lama-ole-nydahl.org
Karmapa-News have been documenting the activities of the 17th Karmapa, His Holiness Thaye Dorje, since 1994. The website has a comprehensive events section with reports on the Karmapa's travels, supplemented with an image library. This non-profit organisation, produce video recordings of the inspiring Buddhist teachings from His Holiness, the Karmapa. There is a rich selection of videos available of Buddhist teachings, some of which can be previewed on the website.
The Kagyu Lineage is one of the four major Lineages of Vajrayana Buddhism in Tibet. Over 900 Buddhist centres and monasteries of the Karma Kagyu lineage follow H.H. the 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje. Over the last 50 years Vajrayana Buddhism has spread beyond Tibet and many Karma Kagyu Buddhist centres have been opened all over the world as a result of the inspiration of HH the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa. The aim of the centres is to make the complete teachings of the Buddha available to everyone.
Diamondway-Buddhism.org is a website that represents Diamond Way Buddhism Worldwide and includes information about Diamond Way Buddhist centres and retreat centres from around the world. The website represents more than 620 Diamond Way centres of the Karma Kagyu Lineage started by Lama Ole Nydhal and under the spiritual Guidance of H.H. 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje.
Diamond Way Buddhism UK represents the Diamond Way U.K. Buddhist meditation centres within the Karma Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Find out what Diamond Way events are happening around the UK or if you wish to contact your nearest Diamond Way centre or group then please find their details here on the UK centres and groups page. Our Diamond Way centres are very friendly places where people meditate together and follow Buddha's timeless and precious teachings, incorporating them within their everyday lives.
The London Diamond Way Buddhist centre was the first Diamond Way centre in the UK. Established in London in 1998, the centre is a thriving and vibrant place, full of energised and friendly people. Now the centre has moved to a new location in Lambeth, formerly known as the Beaufoy Insitute. The Institute had been empty for many years and was placed on English Heritage's "Buildings at Risk Register". Renovation continues with the objective to restore the Beaufoy back to its former glory.
The Europe Centre helps to preserve the living transmission of Diamond Way Buddhism and is an international meeting place for Diamond Way friends worldwide. The Europe Centre hosts meditation courses, seminars and meetings in the wonderful surroundings of Gut Hochreute.