Buddhist Meditation in Exeter
The Exeter Diamond Way Buddhist Meditation centre is a place for a relaxed and dynamic community, ideal for those interested in meditation practice, learning about the nature of mind, and combining the philosophy of Buddhism with our everyday modern active lives. We are only about 5 minutes walk from Exeter city centre; for address details and a street map please see our contacts page.
Regular Meditation Times
Lama Ole Nydahl

Thursday 7:30pm: 16th Karmapa Meditation
For newcomers to Buddhism there is a brief introductory explanation that gives an overview of Diamond Way Buddhism, its Buddhist practices and how it fits with the overall Buddhist tradition. There is sometimes a 10 minute talk from a member of the group that goes into a little more detail about a specific topic within Buddhism. We then have the main focus of the evening which is a guided meditation on the 16th Karmapa. This takes approximately 25 minutes and any questions you may have can be asked in a relaxed manner over refreshments after the meditation.
Sunday 10.30pm - 1.00pm: Personal Buddhist Meditation practice (Currently on Hold)
Sunday morning is for members personal Diamond Way meditation practice. Although these are non-guided meditations, meditating together with friends is both easier and more joyful than practising on your own. Please let us know if you wish to come along for either the whole, or just part of the session. If you need an introduction to the Refuge meditation or your next Ngöndro practice please let us know so we can arrange someone to be there who can give you the explanation.
Monday 6.30pm: 16th Karmapa and Personal Practice Meditation.
The evening starts with the 16th Karmapa meditation which takes about 30 minutes. Mondays are open to anyone that has previously been to our introductory evening on a Thursday although if you find Thursday evenings difficult to attend, please let us know and we can arrange an introduction for you on the Monday evening. All of our meditation sessions at the Exeter Diamond Way Buddhist centre are free of charge.
Lectures and Courses
For the latest information on what's coming up in Exeter, please have a look at our events page or please drop us an e-mail if you have any questions.
About the Exeter Buddhist Centre
Diamond Way centres are non-monastic consisting only of lay practioners. We maintain the authentic and unbroken lineage of oral transmission which can be traced back to the historical Buddha of 2550 years ago. Centre members share the responsibility of guiding the public meditations and giving short talks on Thursday evenings about various aspects of Buddhism. Our weekly meditation evenings are open to the public, are free of charge, and all are very welcome to come along and experience them first hand. We regularly have talks on indepth Buddhist subjects by more experienced practioners who travel around the world giving talks at Diamond Way Buddhist centres.